3 min readNov 13, 2021


Introspection is the way to renovate oneself.In other words,it is the key to 'new you’.

According to the Oxford dictionary,introspect is defined as to examine one’s thoughts and feelings.

I have chosen this topic to write on as I felt it as something crucial that we are forsaking these days.From waking up early, accomplishing the tasks,going through the daily routine to handling social media and going to bed late,there is not a single moment that we spend on self-analysis.It plays essential role in bettering our lives and we cannot understand this until we do it ourselves.

“He who knows others is wise.He who knows himself is enlightened.”

The father of experimental psychology,Wilhelm Wundt,conducted a research using technique of letting people to self observe their thoughts and feelings.Controlled sensory events were experienced by highly trained observers in his lab.He made the observers have high attention to the stimulus and observations were repeated several times.The respondents were asked to simply respond with a “yes” or “no”.The main objective of his research was to examine the speed and quality of thoughts one can have by calculating duration the respondents took to judge and reply.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

One should try to introspect as it is the only way to bring new reforms in life.Taking self-refection in a positive way is as important as practising it.It can be done in all aspects of life,infact,should be done in all aspects of life for it lets you reach to a better decision.

We usually forget who we are,what are we doing,where are we heading towards and what are we actually capable of.Self-analysis provides you an insight of your abilities and the attributes you are blessed with.

Here’s giving you few points for how one can introspect :-

•Ask yourself a variety of questions.

•Figure out what actually makes you feel happy.

•Get your life goals sorted.

•Assess your abilities.

•Try to indulge yourself in positive thinking.

•Write a journal.

•Walk in nature for sometime and excercise regularly.

•Retrospect the wrong choices/decisions just to learn from them and not to gloom.

•Get into practice of developing good feelings and improving quality of thoughts.

A positive introspection will make you feel more worthy,boost self-confidence,induce good quality thought process and all this in turn will make you end up in being a successful and high-spirited person.

Thankyou for taking out time and reading this far!!!


Written by SD

Hey everyone out there! Seeking for your support and encouragement.

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